Analog Algorithm
Analog Algorithm – Landscapes of Machine Learning
2020, Artists’ Book, 80 Pages, 23,5 x 15 cm
Architectural aspects of the new digital cultural landscapes in Silicon Valley, San Francisco and the Bay Area are the subject of Susanne Huth's new book. Based on the pictorial tradition of the New Topographics, the artist explored the spatial reality of a digital ideology on the American West Coast. While in the 1970s it was mainly about industrialization, such as highways, shopping malls, industrial parks, motels, housing estates, and airports, Huth shows contemporary society and social conditions in communities, corporate headquarters, and research facilities on the edge of the digital borderland. The photographs in this book were taken between 2016 and 2019 in Silicon Valley, San Francisco and the Bay Area. The photographs are complemented by an illustrative series featuring abstractions and evolutions of the websites of the companies that were photographed for the book.